Pre Requisites:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
- MySQL 8.0 Server requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms.
- Users should make sure the package has been installed on the system before installing the server.
- The package is available at the Microsoft Download Center.
- Additionally, MySQL debug binaries require Visual Studio 2015 to be installed.
MySQL Downloads @
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 @
Installing Mysql on windows are two types
1. Using MySQL Installer
2. Using MySQL Binaries
Method -1 : Using MySQL Installer
MySQL installer is the easiest way. MySQL installer provides you with an easy-to-use wizard that helps you to install MySQL with the following components:
MySQL Server
All Available Connectors
MySQL Workbench with Sample Data Models
MySQL Notifier
Tools for Excel and Microsoft Visual Studio
MySQL Sample Databases
MySQL Documentation
Step 1:
To download latest MySQL installer, go to the following link
By clicking on the above URL, you will see the below options. Select your operating system (Microsoft Windows) and click on Go to Download Page.
It will redirect you the actual download page for windows Mysql server.,
you can choose the online installation version mysql-installer-web-community.msi .
If you want to install MySQL offline, you can download the mysql-installer-community.msi file.
MySQL Downloads @
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 @
Installing Mysql on windows are two types
1. Using MySQL Installer
2. Using MySQL Binaries
Method -1 : Using MySQL Installer
MySQL installer is the easiest way. MySQL installer provides you with an easy-to-use wizard that helps you to install MySQL with the following components:
MySQL Server
All Available Connectors
MySQL Workbench with Sample Data Models
MySQL Notifier
Tools for Excel and Microsoft Visual Studio
MySQL Sample Databases
MySQL Documentation
Step 1:
To download latest MySQL installer, go to the following link
By clicking on the above URL, you will see the below options. Select your operating system (Microsoft Windows) and click on Go to Download Page.
It will redirect you the actual download page for windows Mysql server.,
you can choose the online installation version mysql-installer-web-community.msi .
If you want to install MySQL offline, you can download the mysql-installer-community.msi file.
Step 2:
It will show you Generally Available (GA) Releases.
Where we can see two different installers, one is a web community installer which comes as a little file and another one is MySQL installer community.
Click the Download button on the second one (mysql-installer-community).
Step 3:
It will ask your MySQL credentials to download the .msi file. If you have your credentials, you can log in or else if you wish to sign up now you can click on the green coloured signup button.
If you are not interested in login or sign up for now, you can directly go and click on No thanks, just start my download option. It will download selected MySQL for you on your local machine.
It will show you Generally Available (GA) Releases.
Where we can see two different installers, one is a web community installer which comes as a little file and another one is MySQL installer community.
Click the Download button on the second one (mysql-installer-community).
Step 3:
It will ask your MySQL credentials to download the .msi file. If you have your credentials, you can log in or else if you wish to sign up now you can click on the green coloured signup button.
If you are not interested in login or sign up for now, you can directly go and click on No thanks, just start my download option. It will download selected MySQL for you on your local machine.
Step 4:
Step 5:
This window configures the installer, in the middle, it may ask you for permissions to change your computer settings or firewall confirmation, you can accept and then it will take a few seconds to configure the installer.
Step 6:
Read the license agreement and accept the license terms.
Step 7:
This window provides you to set up different types of MySQL installations. You can set up Mysql in 5 different types as provided below. Now I am selecting the Developer Default as I am a developer so that I need all the products which help my development purposes. Click on Next.
Step 8:
Based on your Windows configuration, it may prompt you like “One or more product requirements have not been satisfied”. You can just click on YES.
Step 9:
Click on Execute.
Step 10:
Upon execution of the previous step, the installer grasps all recommended products in place and asking for our approval to execute the product installation process. Click on Execute.
Step 11:
Upon successful execution of all required products, now the MySQL allows us to configure the server settings. Click on Next to configure the server.
Step 12:
This step allows you to configure the server. We can set the server in two different modes. One is a standalone mode, and another one is cluster mode. I don’t want to make it as a cluster because I am installing MySQL for development purpose so that I am selecting Standalone MySQL server and click on Next.
Step 13:
Choose the Development Computer option from Config Type drop-down. You can find the following controls like TCP/IP, Port and X Protocol Port. If you wish to configure your port, you can change here itself and click on Next. For now, I am leaving as its default configuration.
Step 14:
It is prompting you to select the authentication method, leave it as the default recommended method and click on Next.
Step 15:
Here you can set your MySQL root user password. If you wish to create a new user, you can click on Add User button under MySQL user accounts section.
Step 16:
Upon clicking on Add User button, you will get the user details popup which allows you to create a new user account. After creating the user click on Next.
Step 17:
Leave the service details as default and click on Next.
Step 18:
Press Execute to apply the configurations on the previous step.
Step 19:
Upon execution, you can see the below green coloured ticks on every configuration option and finally you will get Finish button.
Click on Finish you got your MySQL on your Windows 10 operating system.
Search for MySQL in your taskbar search item. There you can see all MySQL products which we installed and click on MySQL client it will open and ask your root password, give your password and press enter. Then you can see the MySQL prompt like below.
MySQL comes along with some default databases. We can see the databases by giving show databases command.
Installation is completed using windows installer.
Method -2 : Using MySQL Binaries
Step 1:
Goto download centre and click for community edition
Step 2:
Download tar file and extract the location where we want to run MySQl binaries in my case i was
extracted in the below location
Step 3:
Steps to start MYSQL Server (mysql-5.7.15-winx64) for the first time on Windows:
Create a new folder named "data" in MYSQL installation directory (i.e. in the same location as where "bin" directory is located.
For me it is: C:\programs\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\mysql-5.7.15-winx64. This location will vary as per the location where you have extracted the MYSQL zip file)
From here I will use my MYSQL folder location as reference. Go to: C:\programs\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\bin
and execute the command: mysqld --initialize-insecure or mysqld --initialize depending on whether you want the server to generate a random initial password for the 'root'@'localhost' account.
To start the DB, go to: C:\programs\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\bin
and execute mysqld --console You can see the start-up logs being printed.
To connect to DB, go to: C:\programs\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\mysql-5.7.15-winx64\bin
and execute mysql -u root -p. When prompted, Enter password if it has been set or else just hit "Enter" button to connect
Go to bin under extracted folder and start mysqld using the default port 3306
D:\MySQL\mysql-5.7.26-win32\mysql-5.7.26-win32\bin>mysqld --initialize-insecure
D:\MySQL\mysql-5.7.26-win32\mysql-5.7.26-win32\bin>mysqld --console
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