Mysql monitor is the nagios of Database. It is especially useful when you have a bunch of mysql DB servers to manage.
Here are 8 steps to enable the monitoring agent on the DB server. It is assumed that the monitor server is already configured and active on a server (for e.g.
1) sudo root
2) download agent
3) Change file permissions
chmod +x mysqlmonitoragent-
4) Run file
[root@localhost]# ./mysqlmonitoragent-
5) Start agent
/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
6) check status
ps -ef | grep monitor
7) check log
cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/mysql-monitor-agent.log
8) create mysql user for e.g.
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'agent'@'%' identified by 'agent';
The following options must be selected very carefully or else monitor will not work as expected.
Installation directory
Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/agent]:
How will the agent connect to the database it is monitoring?
[1] TCP/IP
[2] Socket
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Components to Install
Enable the Agent to monitor a MySQL Server [Y/n]: Y
Query Analyzer:
Enable the Aggregator to aggregate Query Analyzer data from an external source [y/N]: N
Enable MySQL Proxy to collect and aggregate Query Analyzer data [y/N]: y
Monitored Database Information
MySQL hostname or IP address []:
Validate MySQL hostname or IP address [y/N]: N
MySQL Port [3306]:
MySQL Username [agent]: agent
MySQL Password :
Re-enter :
Agent User Account Creation
[1] Yes, use the credentials below to create the Agent's user account
[2] No, I've already created the account and I'm sure it's correct
Please choose an option [1] : 2
MySQL Enterprise Monitor Options
Hostname or IP address []:
Tomcat Server Port [18080]:
Tomcat SSL Port [18443]:
Use SSL? [y/N]: y
Agent Username [agent]: agent
Agent Password :
Re-enter :
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