Mysql monitor is the nagios of Database. It is especially useful when you have a bunch of mysql DB servers to manage. Here are 8 steps to enable the monitoring agent on the DB server. It is assumed that the monitor server is already configured and active on a server (for e.g. 1) sudo root 2) download agent 3) Change file permissions chmod +x mysqlmonitoragent- 4) Run file [root@localhost]# ./mysqlmonitoragent- 5) Start agent /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start 6) check status ps -ef | grep monitor 7) check log cat /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/mysql-monitor-agent.log 8) create mysql user for e.g. mysql> grant all on *.* to 'agent'@'%' identified by 'agent'; _____ The following options must be selected very carefully or else monitor will not work as expected. Instal...
Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.