#!/bin/bash # Define logfile and other variables LOGFILE="/path/to/mongod.log" # Path to MongoDB log file OUTPUT_FILE="/path/to/output.log" # Path where the output will be saved # Record the date echo "===== Date: $(date) =====" >> $OUTPUT_FILE # Record just the first line of w output (system uptime, users, and load average) echo "===== System Uptime, Users, and Load Average (w command) =====" >> $OUTPUT_FILE w | head -n 1 >> $OUTPUT_FILE # Record only the %user value from iostat echo "===== I/O Statistics (%user from iostat command) =====" >> $OUTPUT_FILE iostat | awk '/^ / {getline; print "User CPU: " $1 "%"}' >> $OUTPUT_FILE # Capture top processes, filtering for MongoDB (mongod) echo "===== Top Processes (top command) - Filter for mongod =====" >> $OUTPUT_FILE top -b -n 1 | grep mongod >> $OUTPUT_FILE # Filter MongoDB log for specific information (e....
Goal: In this module, you will get an understanding of NoSQL databases, design goals, requirement of NoSQL database/ MongoDB, MongoDB® architecture and introduction to JSON and BSON among others. This module will also cover the installation of MongoDB® and associated tools. Skills Understand NoSQL databases and advantages Install MongoDB on Windows and Linux platform Security Enable and high availability Objectives After completing this module, you will be able knowledge ed on SQL and noSQL Database usages and difference between these MongoDB design and architecture MongoDB GUI tools Describe JSON and BSON Install MongoDB on Windows, Linux, MAC OS etc. Setup MongoDB environment Topics • Understanding the basic concepts of a Database • Database categories: What is NoSQL? Why NoSQL? Benefit over RDBMS • Types of NoSQL Database, and NoSQL vs. SQL Comparison, ACID & Base Property • CAP Theorem, implementing NoSQL and what is MongoDB? • O...